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Please, if a new mom complains of any discomfort, take her to the hospital straight. I don't mean chemist, aunty nurse or pharmacy, I mean a standard hospital.

The process of labour and delivery is very complicated.

Inside the womb, the foetus feeds on whatever the mom eats. It is attached to the mom, shares the mom's blood, water and nutrients with her..
Labour is the process that occurs when the foetus wants to detach itself from the mom, it involves a lot of painful and complex processes.

Then comes delivery which is the most complex and risky The foetus comes outside and the umbilical cord which joins it to the mom is cut, the placenta which carries blood too is detached. This delivery process that we look down on can move from zero complication to 100 in minutes, whether CS or 'normal delivery' as some call V-birth..
Years ago, a friend's sister gave birth via V-birth and after a few hours, she started bleeding uncontrollably, suddenly. She was even sitting on the hospital bed, breastfeeding her baby when it started. She sadly bled to death that day.
So you see how unpredictable it is?
Mind you, it can happen anywhere in the word, third world countries like Nigeria only have higher rate.
Now to my main point, a new mom is very vulnerable, her system is not yet balanced, anything can go wrong at anytime from delivery to a few weeks after delivery.

We lost a family friend recently.
She gave birth to her third baby three months before and they were gearing up for church dedication. That week, she started complaining of feeling sick. They called a neighbourhood "nurse" to come treat her at home.
Aunty nurse came and administered intravenous fluid(drip) on her, gave her injections and medicines to treat malaria, typhoid and infection, without doing tests.

After three days of taking injection and the medicines, she was still sick and they told Aunty nurse, she told them to keep giving her the medicines, that she will be fine(the injection had ended).
The woman died two days later, leaving behind two kids below 6yrs and a new born baby.

Husband was lamenting that if he knew it would lead to de#th, he would have used the money they reserved for dedication ceremony to treat her in a hospital. They are from the part of the country that fancy dedication party the way Yorubas fancy 8th day naming ceremony.
Rest in peace to her.
