Add your feed

You can promote your blog posts or YouTube channel videos on Info Dig via our feeds. We use RSS technology to fetch latest articles from any rss-enabled blog, news, Information or entertainment sources, then display them on the platform to millions of visitors from Nigeria and around the world. 

There are two ways we can display your feeds on Info Dig, it can be posted either as a snippet which will link to the original post page in your blog or posted with the full content extracted which will have a (Source) link to the original post on your blog at the bottom of the post. 

Note: We determine the category your feed will be displayed under and how it will appear on Info Dig platform. 

Criteria For Adding Your Feed

  • Your blog or channel must have rss function and allow us access of your rss feeds. 
  • The news or information provided in your blog or channel must be authentic and be an original content written or created by you or your editors.
  • Your content must be mostly Nigeria-focused. 
  • The content posted on your blog or channel must not be defamatory or daminging to any persons reputation or character.
  • Your blog or channel must be at least 2 years old. 

If you meet the above criteria, then submit your blog or channel URL, RSS feed URL for blogs and your contact email to us via our contact page 


