Pastor Jerry Eze Shares 20 Realization Of A Mature Mind

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Number 20 says that you should Protect your alone time and personal space.....

1. It's not all about me.
2. I'm not always right.
3. I don't know everything; but I do know some things well.
4. People are entitled to their opinions.
5. It's okay (no, necessary) to say NO sometimes.
6. People will be defensive if I'm offensive.
7. I can't spend more than I make.
8. I can't speak my mind around everyone.
9. You are not in competition with anyone.
10. At some point I must stop talking about it & make it happen.
11. Forgiving is good for my mental health.
12. No one owes me anything.
13. People are as human as I am.
14. Having a few close friends is better than barely knowing lots of people.
15. Watch what they do, it matters more than what they say.
16. Nothing is as it first appears.
17. People who talk about people to me will talk about me to people.
18. Don't burn every damaged bridge.
19. Listening is as important as talking.
20. Protect your alone time and personal space.
Hope this made little sense ?"
