Quotes For Career and Business Success - By Chuck Eke

2 months ago  1687

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These quotes/sayings are from my book titled: From REVELATION to REVOLUTION: iClouds of Witnesses for Developing and Driving Your Mind to Career and Business Success. 

“The quality of information or news coming out of your network—and importantly, how such news is disseminated—determines the influence you wield and influx of people toward your organization and products.” Page 327.

“In the fast-paced environment in today’s economy in which innovations in science and technology have created nonconforming inventors, maverick entrepreneurs, and digital revolutionary outliers who are operating outside the box, status quo leaders MUST learn to play by the new norms of eccentricity and simplicity without complicity in the global marketplace.” Page 238.

“Your attitude of ingratitude will keep you in solitude; thereby preventing you from meeting and reaching higher altitude with people of substance whose personalities and networks can add value to your career, calling, and corporation.” Page 330.

“Free your mind of every negative thought that holds you from leaping higher. A man in prison can’t ride a horse until the chained hands and legs are freed; so, it is with the mind that’s enslaved by unproductive thoughts.” Page 201

“If anything in this decade has dealt a devastating blow on anti-change leaders, the COVID-19 pandemic is one monster more powerful than any other single factor largely defeating the status quo with overwhelming strength and a super-mysterious knockout. Corona virus is a monstrous field-marshal with martial arts that the merchants in the field of status quo cannot easily machinate in the global marketplace.” 238

“The ball is in your court and COVID-19 can’t stop you from winning in the nineteenth inning and in the eleventh hour of your touchdown.” Page 353

“Nothing worthwhile comes easy, but with positivity without passivity, connectivity without negativity, creativity without irresponsibility, perseverance in spite of encumbrance, your tolerance in spite of their arrogance and ignorance; while staying the painstaking but passionate course, because of the purposeful cause you envisioned, with your potentials as your credentials, success becomes a possibility. Get up and go for it.” 347-348

“Most of the time, as I mentioned earlier somewhere, my action drivers are derived from questions around the where, when, what, who, how, why, and why not surrounding most human endeavours. The same questions surround the hatching and harnessing of most dreams and the accompanying actions to fulfil them. Therefore, prepare and answer such questions among others you can develop.” 259

About the Author 

Chuck Eke is a man of many parts. He is a published writer, a seasoned administrator, a scriptwriter, film producer, movie director, an actor, a songwriter, a publisher, motivational speaker, and quite flexible/adaptable in learning new skills and developing fresh talents. In brief. 







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