Wisdom Key 50 Explained

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Wisdom Key 50: Never Rewrite Your Theology to Accommodate a Tragedy

Explanation: This wisdom key emphasizes the importance of maintaining a steadfast understanding of faith and doctrine, even in the face of difficult circumstances or tragedies. When faced with hardship, it can be tempting to alter your beliefs or interpretations of God’s nature to make sense of the suffering. However, this key advises against compromising your foundational beliefs in response to tragedy. Instead, it encourages you to seek understanding and strength within your established faith framework. True faith is often tested during trials, and holding onto your beliefs provides stability and hope, rather than reshaping them to fit temporary circumstances. In essence, enduring faith remains unwavering, regardless of life’s challenges.

** This Wisdom key is by Dr. Mike Murdock, derived from his book 1001 Wisdom Keys of Mike Murdock ** 
