Adonai – Lord and MasterAdonai – Lord and Master

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AdonaiLord, Master

Origin: Genesis 15:2

Story: When Abram spoke to God, he called Him Adonai, recognizing Him as Lord and Master, a term reflecting God’s sovereignty and control over all creation.

Living Under the Lordship of Adonai Today

What does it mean for us to live under the lordship of Adonai today? First and foremost, it requires a recognition that we are not in control of our lives. In a world that often celebrates autonomy and self-direction, acknowledging God as Adonai means placing our trust in His sovereignty and wisdom, knowing that He sees the bigger picture when we cannot.

Living under the lordship of Adonai also means aligning our wills with God’s will. Jesus, in the Garden of Gethsemane, prayed to the Father, saying, “Not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42). In the same way, when we recognize God as Adonai, we must lay down our own desires and ambitions, seeking to follow His direction.

This posture of surrender can feel challenging, but it is ultimately liberating. When we acknowledge God as Lord, we are freed from the burden of controlling outcomes or managing every detail of our lives. Instead, we trust that Adonai is guiding us with perfect wisdom and love.
