Itele D Icon addresses gossip about him by female colleague

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Itele D Icon addresses gossip about him by female colleague

Actor, Itele d Icon, has publicly addressed a female colleague regarding gossiping about him

Itele D Icon addresses gossip about him by female colleague Itele D Icon addresses gossip about him by female colleague

On Instagram, Itele expressed concern about the rumors and questioned the colleague’s motivations, stating he has never wronged her.

He emphasized his hard work and achievements in the industry.

Itele kindly requested an end to the negative talk, citing its hurtful nature.

He added that spreading gossip reveals more about the speaker’s insecurities than the truth.

His post reads:

“Dear female colleague,

I want to address something that’s been bothering me. I’ve noticed some gossip about me, and it seems to be coming from you. I don’t understand why this is happening, as I have never done anything to offend you. We work in different roles, and I worked so hard to be here, Anu mi Mori gba.

I kindly ask that you stop these negative talks, as they are unnecessary and hurtful!

Thank you for understanding”.

“Speeding gossip to create division between people who love each other reveals more about their own insecurities than the truth of those they speak about. True strength lies in building bridges, not burning them!”.

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