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Hello Friends,

I trust you’re having a victorious day! Today on Triple T, we’re embracing the theme #GO FOR GOLD.

Let me begin by saying, "Success is not an accident; it’s a deliberate choice." Every great accomplishment starts with the decision to aim higher and pursue excellence. The Ultimate Book says in Philippians 3:14, "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Friends, "Going for gold means setting audacious goals and pursuing them with unwavering determination."

Consider the life of Bishop David Oyedepo, the founder of Living Faith Church Worldwide, also known as Winners' Chapel, one of the largest Christian ministries in the world. His journey to success was rooted in a powerful divine encounter. In May 1981, while he was still a young man, Oyedepo received a vision from God that would shape his destiny. In that vision, God told him to "liberate the world from all oppression of the devil through the preaching of the Word of Faith." That singular encounter gave him a clear purpose, but the path ahead was far from easy.

At the start, Oyedepo faced significant opposition, not only from skeptics who doubted the vision but also from the overwhelming challenge of resources. He had no large financial backing, no vast congregation, and no famous name to fall back on. His journey began in a modest room in Ilorin, Nigeria, where the first meetings were held. He faced difficulties in acquiring land to build his ministry's headquarters, yet he remained committed to the vision. Instead of being discouraged, he poured his energy into prayer, hard work, and continuous learning, seeking God's guidance every step of the way.

Bishop Oyedepo’s resolve was tested many times. In the early days, while preaching and ministering, he and his team often had little to no food, and they faced challenges like harsh weather and criticism. But his faith remained unshaken. He famously said, "You don’t need to know anybody to succeed; you only need to know God." That unshakeable belief in God’s power to bring his vision to pass pushed him forward. Eventually, after much persistence, his ministry began to grow. What started as a small group of people grew into a church that now has millions of members worldwide, with its headquarters, Faith Tabernacle, being one of the largest church buildings in the world.

What we learn from Oyedepo’s story is that "Greatness is born from the courage to pursue your God-given vision, no matter the obstacles." Despite the difficulties, Bishop Oyedepo’s decision to go for gold in fulfilling the vision God gave him brought extraordinary results. Today, his ministry operates several universities, a publishing house, schools, hospitals, and a vast network of churches globally, showing that the seeds of greatness he planted years ago have blossomed beyond his wildest imagination.

As believers, we are reminded that "God has placed greatness within us." Jeremiah 29:11 reassures us: "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Friends, "When you go for gold, you are honoring the gifts and talents God has deposited in you."

In closing, remember: "The journey to greatness is not always easy, but every step brings you closer to your destiny." Don’t settle for mediocrity—aim for gold in every area of your life.

So today, I encourage you to GO FOR GOLD. Set bold goals, trust in your God-given potential, and pursue your dreams with relentless passion. The world is waiting for your light to shine.

Thank you for joining today’s message! I hope it inspires you to reach for greatness in all that you do. Don’t forget to "Like," "Follow," and "Subscribe" for future updates from

Also, tag and share this with your friends and family so they too can be encouraged to go for gold.

Identify one goal you’ve been hesitant to pursue. Write down a concrete action you can take today to move closer to that goal.

If you’ve completed today’s task, share your experience in the comments below. Feel free to ask questions or share insights on today’s theme!

Until next time, I declare that as you go for gold, new doors of opportunity will open. You are blessed, you are unstoppable, and you are destined for greatness.


Have a gold-worthy and transformational day!

Chukwuma Emmanuel ONWUFUJU (C.E.O)

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