Friday In House NEWS

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 Thank God It's Friday Hailings......


 It is another Friday and I am so sure that some of you are looking forward to the weekend with so much excitement......

Na wah oh, Its almost time for Christmas!!!

All i want for Christmas is ............

What do you want for Christmas?

Some businesses boom during festive period and others dont..

let me explain why cos i see it happen here a lot and maybe you can learn from this explanation......

Foodstuff business and gifts item business ,plus party decors and caterers  among others are a top hit.....So if you do a business that does not sell during the festive period, why dont you make plans when it gets to September and switch businesses and then switch back in January? No business should be perment..

Like BV OnyinGATE, she can start making perfume hampers, decorated with maybe tie,cufflinks, and chocolate for guy and then another hamper for Ladies and start advertising from October...she will sell out if the combo is right..That is why it is good to start early....If you cannot be a caterer, then close shop and join those who cook, at least you will make some money.....Check your business and switch to suit the season....

I don talk too much...,maybe someone else can explain further and use other examples.....

Have a nice day and stay blessed.


Good day Stella,

 Something has been bothering me and I thought to share with you guys, I am not condemning anyone, I just need clarity.
I was so busy last week playing good Nigerian for my neighbor for her brother's upcoming wedding, na so we de go market de come for this tinubu regime, it was super stressful but I am glad I could help, them be that umbrella carriers, that church that appears uninvited to your doorstep....

I kept hearing her say that the reason they're spending so much in this wedding is because he is their only son, the thing come de shock me because this same person told me about their elder brother who is married with kids (same mom, same Dad), his only crime was marrying outside their brethren and they disfellowship'd him, to them this guy is dead and no longer exists.

He has kids but those kids are not allowed anywhere around their family, his wife too, he's been ripped off every family benefit as the first and now the last son is now the crowned heir and he is enjoying the status, this guy is a 25yr old jobless struggler whose only meaningful means of survival is carrying umbrella and bag to preach a copied word from a pamphlet, how do you say you serve God but you walk past your blood, your grandkids and your heart doesn't beat? Somebody should please make it make sense I beg, you walk past them to preach to others what exactly? Something you don't have and don't practice? Wow!!

I asked the sister how they intend to survive after the wedding, she told me that their parents are old and want to see their grandkids from their only son before death comes knocking (she couldn't answer the question, they're specially wired at evading questions, they can never answer questions straight cos even them don't know the answer, na orientation them get).

They say they're the truth (the congregation of truth) but I am still pondering over the parable of the lost coin and the lost sheep, if souls were not important why was 99 abandoned in search of just one missing soul, the good book said we shouldn't judge yet this supposed truth judges and discriminates, they tell you he's no longer worthy to be called one of them.

I have calmly listened to them preach and I found out they don't preach love, they don't preach acceptance, they tell you that praying has a pattern and how you must pray it but I tell them that when it weighs heavy on me, I pray like Hannah and my God hears, I told them that God has a lot of names and even if I don't call Him Jehovah always, it doesn't mean I don't revere him as the Almighty.

A friend of mine told me a story about how one of them got married to someone outside her faith and she was disfellowship'd, she was married for years and because of the hard heart of her parents, her husband hated her, saying she's a product of demons, she packed her bags and left her husband, went back to her family, they rejected her, threw her out, the husband told her not to bother coming back cos he won't accept her, she committed suicide and that was the end, it was police that buried her.

Like how do you do this, hate your own 9months struggle because of an orientation that was handed over to you by humans, who amongst you has seen God? I am pained at how far a human can go for religion and yet them say this shit no be cult... I have tried talking to my neighbor (the sister) but she's neck-deep into this, infact she told me how she made her husband convert if he must marry her and love made brother join them, I don't see him carrying the thing on his head lik

e the wife, I guess his heart is yet to fully accept the new faith.... Wahala dey oo...

I read somewhere the other day wher someone postulated that Religion is part of Nigeria's problem..This story you narrated backs that school of though



It is because their income is low and they are afraid of being disrespected, put down and insulted by their wife!

They are rather waiting for the time they have "enough" to meet "all her needs" and "win" her respect!

If you do that, two things may happen: 1. You may never get married 2. You may marry a woman who loves you for your money, nothing more!

Some highly successful business men in the the world confessed they had nothing, I mean nothing when they married their wives. Cosmas Maduka, owner of COSCHARIS, a multi billionaire luxurious car dealer said he was in poverty when he married his wife at 20! Mensa Otabil, a very successful preacher, founder, chancellor of a university and business man in Ghana, also said he had nothing! No plate, no spoon, no chair, no bed, no nothing! When he married his wife! Fela Durotoye said he had only a table and a chair! Ben Carson, the world celebrated Neuro surgion was still struggling in school when he met candy! The list goes on!

You will only have very serious problem in marriage if , you are lazy and have an entitlement mentality! If you believe your wife is the one to pay all your bills and rescue you for life then don't bother to marry please, marriage is not for you!

Some women have married such men hoping they will break into wealth after marriage but their dreams were shattered when the man refuse to dream, work hard, shatter limitations and walk into greatness!

If you marry a woman to impress her with your money, you don't have a wife, you have a contract! She is to supply you respect and submission while you supply her money! The day your money is over, so is your marriage!

Things happen! People lose their jobs, businesses may crash! What will she do when you no longer make money and desperately need her support? That is when you will know whether you married a wife or a disaster!

I hope this post is simple enough?
May you receive the grace to step out in faith and do the needful!
When you marry a good woman who believes in you and you work hard leaning on God's wisdom and power to get wealth, you are the next billionaire the world is waiting for! 




---Nearly 1 billion people will go to bed hungry tonight.
---Climacophilia: where someone is sexually aroused by falling down the stairs.
---The inability to pronounce the letter "r" is called rhotacism, making it impossible for the sufferers to pronounce their own affliction.
---People are more likely to focus and pay attention when soft music is playing in the background.



FEAR .....Prevents you from seizing opportunities.

-IGNORANCE....Prevents you from making good decisions.

- ANGER....Prevents you from seeing clearly.

ENVY.....Prevents you from focusing on yourself.

(- EGO.....Prevents you from learning from others.

DOUBT.....Prevents you from believing yourself and taking risk to follow your dreams.

HATE.....Prevents you from becoming a better person.

UNFORGIVENESS.....Prevents you from living as free person.

LYING......Prevents people from trusting you.

 - PRIDE......Prevents you from seeing and learning from your mistakes.

#work on yourself.

#humble yourself.

Stay positive


