Harris Tops Trump 64%-32% Among Young Voters, Harvard Poll Says

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Kamala Harris has widened Democrats’ advantage with younger voters, topping Donald Trump by 32 percentage points among likely voters between 18 and 29 years old, according to a poll by the Institute of Politics at the Harvard Kennedy School.

The poll showed Harris leading Trump 64% to 32% among young likely voters in a two-way hypothetical match up.

“This poll reveals a significant shift in the overall vibe and preferences of young Americans as the campaign heads into the final stretch,” said John Della Volpe, the Institute of Politics polling director.

A Harvard Youth Poll earlier this year showed President Joe Biden topping Trump by just 13 points among likely young voters in a multi-candidate field. By comparison, Harris leads Trump by 31 points in a multi-candidate field in the latest poll.

The Harvard Youth Poll surveyed 2,002 young people aged 18-to-29 from Sept. 4 to 16. The margin of error for the total sample is +/- 2.65 ppts.

BADEJO ADEMUYIWA has 23 years experience as a Finance Writer, specialising in Insurance and Investigative Reporting.
