FG To Harmonise Citizenship Database, Combat Identity Fraud, Terrorism Financing

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The Federal Government has expressed concern over the increasing number of foreigners carrying Nigerian identity and tarnishing the country’s reputation abroad.

According to Dr. Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo, Minister of Interior, plans are underway to harmonise the citizenship database for individual and corporate identity management.

Speaking at the opening session of a three-day national training workshop on counter-terrorism financing, organised by the Inter-Governmental Action Group Against Money Laundering in West Africa (GIABA), Tunji-Ojo said the new database will ensure that Nigerian identities can be easily verified worldwide.

This is expected to boost efforts to combat money laundering and terrorism financing, not only in Nigeria but across West Africa.

“There are two things we must get right, number one is individual and corporate identity management. Identity fraud must be reduced to nil. It should be impossible for one person to hold different accounts or identities,” the minister stated.

Tunji-Ojo noted cases where individuals used different identities across borders, which has led to abuse of Nigeria’s passport and identity systems.

“We must make sure that if you are James Kelly anywhere, you are James Kelly everywhere,” the minister added.

Tunji-Ojo asserted that many of those damaging Nigeria’s image abroad are foreigners carrying Nigerian passports, “I am convinced that the majority of the people giving Nigeria a bad name in the diaspora are not Nigerians. They only carry Nigerian identity, and that is something we must solve.”

The minister further disclosed that Nigeria is set to become the first country to launch a centralized citizens’ integrity and document authentication system, which will allow real-time verification of all documents issued within the country, anywhere in the world. The minister assured that the system is expected to be completed soon.

“Anything issued in Nigeria, anywhere in the world, real time, we will harmonize the database and verify it everywhere in the world. We will do that; we are on the verge of completing that.

“I tell people, the biggest gift of my life is my citizenship of this great country and I will not allow anybody to brand me with an identity that is not mine.

“We are not fantastically corrupt. We are fantastically intelligent, brilliant, hardworking people. But in a scenario where you do not provide the opportunity for authentication real time, you will be subject to guesswork.

“When your identity and your integrity are subjected to guesses, then you should know that abuse will become inevitable. So, we are doing that very soon,” he added.

The workshop, which brought together key stakeholders from across West Africa, also included Mrs. Hafsat Bakari, Director of the Nigerian Financial Intelligence Unit (NFIU).

Bakari in her remarks emphasised the importance of combating terrorism financing by tracing both licit and illicit funds that enable terrorist activities.

“Without funds, terrorists and terrorist organisations would not be able to carry out their acts. That is why this workshop is critical,” she said.

GIABA’s Director-General, Mr. Edwin W. Harris Jr., reinforced the organization’s commitment to helping West African nations strengthen their capacities in fighting money laundering and terrorism financing.

GIABA is a specialised institution of ECOWAS focused on implementing Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Financing of Terrorism (CFT) strategies in the region.
