Yahweh – LORD, I AM

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YahwehLORD, I AM

Origin: Exodus 3:14

Story: God revealed His name Yahweh to Moses at the burning bush when Moses asked for His name. Yahweh (I AM) signifies God’s eternal, self-existent nature, indicating that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Yahweh in Our Lives Today

The name Yahweh invites us to trust in the unchanging, ever-present nature of God. When we face uncertainty, we can rest in the knowledge that the great I AM is with us. Yahweh is the God who sees, who hears, and who delivers.

In moments of fear, we can take comfort in the fact that Yahweh is the same God who empowered Moses to lead an entire nation out of bondage. In times of weakness, we can remember that Yahweh's strength and provision never fail. And in times of doubt, we can hold fast to the truth that Yahweh is faithful to His promises, from generation to generation.
